You're not doing your own tutorial any favours.
Kudos for trying, but there are a few very large and obvious problems with this:
The quality isn't just bad, it's hopeless. The things you're doing are totally illegible thanks to the low resolution of the video (and the sound isn't much better - I've got my speakers turned right up and I still can't hear it clearly). Since I'm guessing you used you're own way of importing videos here, you're not exactly selling the method very well.
Also, there's the filesize. 7.4 MB, and for what? If this is what importing videos results in (read: a whole lot of nothing), why bother importing videos like this at all?
...For that matter, there's an air of pointlessness about the whole thing in general. All you're really doing here (I think) is clicking a button that says 'Import...' and following the on-screen prompts. Gee, I'd never have thought of doing that if I wanted to import a video into flash. :/
If you want to make tutorial flashes, it's crucial that you actually know more than most about Flash to start with, and making sure you're not just pointing out the blaringly obvious (or what's been pointed out a million times already in previous tutorial flashes) is also important. It's nice to see someone use the 'import' tool for something other than stealing YouTube videos for a change, but at the same time, just drawing / animating the same thing would've worked a lot better than this did.