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Age 37, Male


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Joined on 12/31/08

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Sheizenhammer's News

Posted by Sheizenhammer - July 8th, 2009

This is something I had going on in a BBS thread, and decided to move to my userpage so I could edit and change it without needlessly bumping the thread with posts containing an ever-lengthening list of all the users that were mods at one point or another, for the various areas of the site. Listed are their current names, any old names they used to have (where a known name change has occurred, it'll be added to the list as '[old name] - see [new name]') and what part of the site they were moderating.

This list is always under construction, so it will change whenever new information needs to be added (i.e. more mods get de-modded, or more old ones get remembered).

Okay, here we go:

36Holla - BBS, Review
ADT - Review
Alastor - BBS
Antiganondworf - Review
AntiTanner - BBS
B0UNC3 - Audio (got remodded)
BadBit - Audio
Bendo - Icon
bigbadron - BBS, Review
BlackMarketKraig - BBS
BobbyJenkins - BBS
Canas - BBS, Review
CaptainBob - BBS, Audio, Icon
Captain-Jack - BBS
cast - Audio
cHunter - Icon
DanMalo - BBS, Audio
DanPaladin - BBS
DarkArchon - BBS
Davidzx - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon (+Art?) (as a joke, for 4 minutes)
Denvish - BBS, Audio, Icon
DirtySyko - BBS (got remodded)
Dobio - BBS, Audio
DodgerOfZion - Audio
DrLavaGoddess - BBS
Dry-Ice - BBS
Egoraptor - Art
Enoll - BBS
Evark - BBS, Review (got remodded)
EveningShift - BBS
EyeLovePoozy - BBS, Review (got remodded)
FDA - BBS, Audio
Freakapotimus - BBS
gfoxcook - BBS
Gooch - BBS, Audio
gumOnShoe - BBS
HuIk - BBS
Inuyasha - Review
JadeTheAssassin - BBS, Art
Jamoke - BBS
Jercurpac - BBS
jmtb02 - BBS
jonthomson - BBS
JoS - BBS (got remodded)
KaynSlamdyke - BBS
Karco - Audio
Kartoffels - see Zendra
keldor3353 - BBS (one day only)
Kisuke - see Inuyasha
LaForge - Audio
life - BBS (for about 20 minutes, lol)
Luis - BBS (got remodded)
macdeth - Review
MaestroRage - Audio
Maus - BBS, Review, Audio
mightypotato - BBS
Nephthys - see Captain-Jack
NEVR - BBS, Review (got remodded)
Newgrundling - BBS
olskoo - BBS
Ozcar - BBS
Osamarama - see Sanjay
ParagonX9 - Audio
poxpower - Audio
Proteas - BBS
Rabid-Echidna - BBS
Ramagi - BBS, Review, Icon
RedCircle - BBS
RedDakota - BBS (was Wade's alt)
ReNaeNae - BBS, Art (got remodded)
Revenant - BBS, Audio
Recoil - Audio
Remisser - Audio
Rig - BBS, Audio (got remodded)
Rucklo - BBS, Audio (got remodded)
Sanjay - BBS, Review (original account deleted; current "Sanjay" account was made to stop people abusing the name)
Sarai - BBS
Saturday - BBS
SBB - BBS (lol!), Audio
ShitonaStick - BBS, Review
Shrapnel - BBS
Slightly-Crazy-Dude - BBS
Snayk - BBS
Spy - see Antiganondworf
StarCleaver - BBS
StealthSteve - see SteveGuzzi
StephanosGnomon - see SteveGuzzi
SteveGuzzi - BBS
Stormwarden - BBS, Review
Stuporman - see SteveGuzzi
Sorohanro - Audio
TannerCenterwall - see AntiTanner
TBF - BBS, Audio
TedEaston - BBS
Terminator - BBS
THEjamoke - see Jamoke
TheShrike - BBS
The-Swain - BBS, Review
Transformer - BBS (was another mod's alt)
Tremour - BBS
Tri-Nitro-Toluene - BBS
Uberbarista - BBS, Review, Audio, Icon
Undercover - see Terminator
VeryProudOfYa - BBS
WritersBlock - Audio
wtf-kurdt - Review
xKore - Audio
Zendra - BBS, Review (got remodded)

And there you have it.
There are a few gaps in places (namely the fact that no-one remembers icon and audio mods very well), but it'll hopefully get better with time and people coming forward with new stuff (if I PM them for it). If anyone knows of people that have been missed off, let me know and (once confirmed) I'll add them to the list as well.

Posted by Sheizenhammer - February 7th, 2009

This is just a list I decided to make for.... well, myself really. It's a load of stuff explaining things about BBS rules, flash submission rules, and anything else I could do with remembering in the future (as well as random funny shit I see when i'm trawling through the old posts). I'll be updating this if and when I find more crap to put in it:

Useful things:
All the things you could possibly need to make flashes with.
The NG official topics list (Some threads are outdated, and no longer relevant, but it's mostly still good.)
A collection of in-house rule threads.
What you shouldn't do on the BBS.
More in-depth explanations of some BBS rules.
How to bump old topics without getting banned for it.
What counts as backseat modding.
What is, and isn't, considered 'spam'.
Why you should read the WHOLE thread before posting. (Several people got banned in this example.)
Why you should vote fairly on under judgement flashes.
How not to fuck up your whistle.
More stuff about review flagging.
How to write decent reviews (and ask 'why' if one was deleted)
Yes, there ARE rules for your blog posts.
How the Politics forum works.
Can't find a thread you're after? Give this a try.
Failing the above, try this instead.
Everything an audio artist needs to know: Short version.
Everything an audio artist needs to know: Long version.
The art portal help section.
Why you should ignore it when someone insults you.
What to do if you're sick of a flash submission. (Note: YOUR OWN flash submission!)
Got a bone to pick? Do it here.
Wanna contribute to NG? Watch this.
Find something stolen? PM Wade.

Funny shit:
The greatest collection of awesomeness. Ever.
Being daft with BBS screenshots.
A very funny photoshop picture. (Poozy doesn't agree, but meh.)
Asking to be a mod is not smart. At all.
Error message generator + Newgrounds = Stupidity.
The dickneck awakens. (Turned out to be a troll, but who cares?)
Yes, you really are this predictable.
I > NY
Got a funny video? Post it here.
The funniest picture thread ever.
Ban sammiches! :D
Jonas = owned.
Feed your inner pirate.
Mod fight round 2: Simpsons style!
Epic Photoshop fail.
Unlock this. NOW!
The most pathetic thing I've ever read.
Fuck you, Rig.
Mod derailings are fun!
How dumb do you have to be to post this?
A crap thread, made epic.
Who said nerds can't have a good laugh?
Everyone was a noob once.
The best flash ever.
Oh, the irony....
Do I win?

Also, the dumbest idea for a thread i've seen so far is this. That link will change if and when I find anything stupider.

I know there's more out there, I just haven't found them yet. Anyone know of more things I should add to this?

Posted by Sheizenhammer - January 14th, 2009

This post is just a little scribble-pad where I put whatever random shit I'm thinking about.

Current topic: Reasoning for a North-East UK meetup.


I would have to be exactly in-between 2 of the places that regularly hold NG meets, wouldn't I. And I also would have to be just far enough away from both to make getting there and back an expensive chore.

By road:-
Here to Glasgow: 186 miles
Here to Birmingham: 171 miles

...Hmm, no. Even if I did want to spend three and a half hours on motorways, there's no way I'd leave my car in Glasgow, and Birmingham's center looks royally confusing and generally impossible to find a space in. And no, I'm not trusting my piece-of-shit SatNav in there.

By train:-
Here to Glasgow: 4 hours; 2 changes; at least £71.50 to do.
Here to Birmingham: 3.5 hours; 2 changes; at least £105.50 to do.

...Getting to London on the train was simpler than this (there was only one change and it took about the same time as the Glasgow one would). And only slightly more expensive too (London = £110).
Might as well wait for the London meet.

By plane:-
Via Teeside airport: impossible.
Via Newcastle airport (+1 hour to travel times getting there): Only goes to Birmingham, and it looks like it'd take over 2 hours to do (and would likely cost a lot more than the train). 3 hours total travelling.

...Same as the damn train, but probably more expensive. And it only works at all for Birmingham.


OK, suppose I did go and try to organise something in Teesside. What's here? Why would anyone want to come here?

Well, there's Teesside retail park, which is a bit like Namco (bowling; small arcade; cinema; restaurants etc.). That's not a bad place to spend a day, I suppose. Couldn't really get more than one day's entertainment out of it, though.

Newcastle in general is good for a day out, and it's only an hour's drive from Middlesbrough (there's a bus service too).

Preston park can be nice in late spring / summer / autumn. To that effect, Albert park isn't bad either.