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Age 37, Male


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Joined on 12/31/08

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Damn man, I got a headache from reading that. lmao, but all in all, I think I'm getting better and better at finding the abusive reviews. That and some of my fellow EGB members have flagged the reviews I give them and vice versa.

Teamwork between people who know what they're looking for is a good way of combining whistle power and removing abusive reviews quickly, but it doesn't work if you don't have a team to work with. The people who aren't being helped by anyone are the people this was written for (so they can help themselves).

And it's a major TL;DR, I know, but I wasn't going to shorten it because then lazy-assess would end up only reading bits of it and then bawwing at me when it costs them their whistle.

(Attn, lazy-asses: you have been warned! :P)

I can understand your rationale behind the TL;DR laziness begets a whistle up shit's creek w/o a paddle and your ass being majorly butthurt. *cough*EMOS*cough* rofl

Yeah, fuck emos. Fuck 'em all.

The last sentence in gumonshoe's locking post for Rage's thread says you shouldn't create newsposts emulating the purpose of Rage's thread. I got in trouble for making a newspost of it too, so just a fair warning.

Apart from the title, this has nothing in common with the old Rage's thread. The idea here is not to have a huge clusterfuck of links to non-abusive reviews; it's about sharing information on how to go away and find them on your own. What you ultimately deem to be whistle-worthy is entirely up to you, and no-one here will tell you what you should and shouldn't do with your whistle (that's what indirectly ended up destroying Rage's thread).

I learned a LOT from u, just from this post. :D

Wow, you actually read it? I think you're only the second person to bother.

Your e-cookie's in the post. :)

Yeesh. Somebody's got their shit down. I did read the entire thing, and I am one of the many who can say Rage's thread did end up tanking my whistle However, I'm not one to bitch about things, I'm just slogging through the task of getting it back up to par, and I can say, this has given me a few useful tips I hadn't even thought of before. Thankee much.


That's the spirit! OK, you may have got a screwed whistle, but as long as you're still willing to try to help get rid of site abuse, it'll get better eventually.

While we don't know much about the points themselves, one known fact is that there is no such thing as a 'permanent' garbage whistle. Even if you hit rock bottom with it and can't go down any further, you can still dig yourself out. All it takes is knowledge of where you were going wrong with it, and more importantly, the patience to put it right.

I'm glad this was helpful (and that some people at least are actually reading it!).

Glad to see others taking initiative in cleaning up Newgrounds. I know that I'm no mod here (here being the operative word), but I'd like to help out with the tools given to me, and it's refreshing to find others doing the same thing. I found your protip with Google to be a rather helpful aid, I'll be sure to help others out the same way you are.

Thanks, although this was not written under any kind of naiive assumption that it's possible to 'clean up' NG. There will always be site abuse (in the form of both flashes and reviews), so there will always be a need for those willing to get rid of it. The task is both endless and largely thankless, however it's still worth doing in my opinion. I've talked to several of NG's animators in person, and they all say that the more constructive criticism they get, the more they want to do better at it. For this reason, it's worth trying to stop the review box degenerating into YouTube comments and spam, and keeping it as focused on its original purpose as possible.

Still, it's nice to see people taking notice of this all the same. I'm glad it helped. :)

Very informative stuff. Pretty thorough, too.

Before, I didn't quite believe in hunting down crud just to shore up points for the whistle per se. It left a vibe of being someone deliberately looking for trouble just so they can sadistically lower the boom (sort of the way I felt about my dad when I was a boy). I always thought I should blow the whistle when I just stumbled across muck as I came or went naturally.

However, I see that ripping out the stink-weeds that have invested Newgrounds' garden is going to take a scorched earth policy, and some coordinated help wouldn't hurt. Thanks for a very well written piece, and the good advice!

For the record, I don't like people who do this SOLELY for the points either. The motivation for anyone using the whistle should be to get rid of site abuse, and the motivation for me writing this was to share what I'd learned on where said abuse accumulates, and help people who were genuinely interested in keeping standards in the review box (only those with interests greater than the points alone would bother reading all this anyway).

There is one more review trick I know of, which can result in a ton of free whistle points (far more than any of the described ones), but it involves acting more like a statwhoring vulture than someone who cares about the essence of why we have review rules in the first place. For this reason, I decided not to share it, extra points oppourtunities or not.

Still can't believe I missed my own review hunt. :*( oh well. with this I'll just be flagging alone. but more accurately.

Question: how many flags does it take to get a review into question?

No-one knows. Liljim kept the mechanics of the system itself to himself. It has been suggested that it can take as many as 20 normal flags, whereas only 3 or 4 Deity flags are needed. This was little more than an estimated guess though, so it can't really be relied upon.

At the end of the day, I don't suppose it matters. If it's abusive, it'll get brought to someone's attention eventually (even if it does take months).

Goddamn that's a long post. Good work on this. Certainly will help my whistle in the future. :)

You're welcome. Just make sure you read all the links as well, otherwise this post is pretty much useless.

I've had to delete a couple of posts made by someone posting links to review lists here. I know I'm being a nazi about it, but it HAS to be a link to a flash / audio / art submission for it to be allowed here. Posting the review list for the submission just makes it unnecessarily easy for people to click the link and blindly flag everything they see.

If you want to help, post a link to something that gets a sustained flow of abuse on it, not something that'll never have another review again once it falls off the portal front page (if the abusive reviews all get removed, the link is no longer relevant, and I don't see why it should stay here). A good example of the kind of thing I'm on about is this:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/492389">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /492389</a>

Look for stuff in the collections, old featured content, or anywhere else that people can still find relatively easily, that deals with things people love to argue over and hate on people for parodying. Those are the things that need the attention of something like this the most.

hehe, sorry about that XP

No biggies. Hell, the reason I set this thing to approved comments is so I don't have to ban people for causing problems with links in their comments. I can just get rid of improper links in comments with no harm done like this, so don't worry about it.

Just as long as it doesn't happen again, OK?

Hoo boy, NOW you've got the idea! Good job. :)


<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/400192">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /400192</a>

Be sure to point and laugh at the kids emo-ing in the review box too!

Since when.....


<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/reviews/514059/1">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/revi ews/514059/1</a>

Gotta love the abusive reviews that fileswaps get. :P

Already gone, annoyingly.

Protip: if you know it's gonna get deleted anyway (as fileswaps almost always are), there's little point in posting it here since the link is only useful for a few hours at most.

If it escapes being deleted (it falls off the front page), then by all means I'd like to know about it, but until it does there's too much of a chance of the above happening to really warrant posting it here.

EDIT: Also, see my post about review lists a few comments up from this one. ;)

Most known for being a koala in Aristotle's 4th chain dimension, this user has surpassed all expectations of what it means to be helpful to the review moderators. Ah. I feel as if me telling you this in this era will change the outcome of the near, yet currently unattainable, future.

You lost me somewhere around shoving chains of koalas up Aristotle. Or something.

Um... thanks? (o_0)

Ouch with the long post and all, but you really answered alot of my questions and I think my whistle will start to improve now.

Yeah, it's a long-ass read, but IMO, if you can't be bothered to learn what the whistle is for, you probably shouldn't be using it.

Hope all this helps! ;)

I can't believe people comment like that and feel like their doing something right or being civil.

The keyword there being "comment". It's NOT a comment box for a reason.

Although, I see your point. Even if it were a comment box, you'd have to be pretty dumb to think ranting like the example shown has any positive effect at all (or any effect besides making the commenter look like an idiot).

Still, the internet is full of dumb kids who haven't yet learned to keep their faggotry to themselves, so I suppose it's inevitable. That picture is actually out of a collection of several especially dumb ones I kept, so it is by no means unique in its moronity. :/

I blame YouTube. Stupid YouTube.

TL;DR, lmfao. jk


Lol. :P

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/454539">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /454539</a>

Paperbombpro insults the author, so it's abusive, right?

^^First and only time I'm letting a comment like this through.

As for the question: Up to you.

This isn't about telling people to flag specific things, remember? There are ample links up there that will help you decide if something's abusive or not, but the end choice about flagging anything is yours, not mine. Or anyone else's ('cept the review mods who wrote most of the linked things).

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